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Best Hospital For Gallbladder Surgery in Vadodara

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    Diagnosis and Treatment for Gallstones in Vadodara

    The doctor will first conduct a diagnosis of your condition with a physical examination of your skin and eyes to look for indications of jaundice. They will then ask questions to understand where you’re feeling the pain in the abdomen. Furthermore, the doctor may check the tenderness in your abdomen. Next, medical examinations like blood tests and ultrasound may be ordered to look for possible blockages in the bile duct. Once you get your blood work and ultrasound results, the doctor may also carry out CT scans, MRIs, HIDA scans, and run tests like ERCP.

    How to prepare for the surgery?

    Like every other surgical procedure, you must follow the doctor’s instructions for a smooth procedure and improved post-surgery recovery.

    • Refrain from consuming anything for at least 8 hours before the surgery. An empty stomach would make it easier for the doctor to have a clear view inside your abdominal cavity, ensuring a safe and effective treatment.
    • You must avoid taking certain drugs like aspirin, blood thinners, vitamin E, and arthritis medicines a week before the surgery.
    • If you have a history of bleeding disorders or are allergic to anesthesia, it would be wise to inform your doctor before going for surgery.
    • Upon reaching the hospital, you might be required to undergo specific medical evaluations like blood tests, chest x-rays, and other tests to eliminate any potential complications during the surgery.
    • If you plan on taking a shower, you should make sure that you take it before going for the surgery, as doctors recommend keeping the surgical area dry after the operation, which helps to avoid infections and other complications in the wounded area after the surgery.



    Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery for Gallstone Removal in Vadodara

    Laparoscopic surgery is an effective way to tackle health issues in the abdomen and pelvic region. It has various benefits like the following:

    • Minimally invasive: During laparoscopic surgery, the doctor makes tiny incisions to access the precise problem area, making it a minimally invasive procedure. It helps reduce the risk of infection and presents minimal scarring post-surgery.

    • Lower blood loss: A laparoscopic surgery ensures lower blood loss as smaller incisions are made during the procedure.

    • Shorter hospital stays: Compared to traditional surgeries, patients have a comparatively shorter hospital stay. Most patients are discharged within 24-48 hours unless their doctor advises.

    • Faster recovery: The recovery time for traditional surgeries ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. With laparoscopic surgery, patients can get back on their feet within 2-3 weeks.

    What is the recovery process after the surgery?

    With laparoscopic surgery, the patients can usually leave the hospital on the same day since it is a daycare surgery unless advised by the doctor. Patients are generally advised to stop performing physical activities like sports, swimming, and heavy lifting for at least a week and are usually able to return to their routine within two weeks.

    The doctor Dr. Ketul Shah will give you a detailed recovery plan and detailed instructions regarding diet and physical restrictions to help you get back to your normal routine faster.

    FAQs around

    Gall bladder stone & Appendix

    Typically, a person who has their gallbladder removed will not experience any digestive problems. However, they might have difficulty digesting fatty foods for the first month after the surgery. In such cases, it is advised to maintain a low-fat diet.;

    Large amounts of bile reaching the colon may result in diarrhea with a yellow hue. The increased amount of bile salts can also make one’s bowel movements have a more potent smell as well.;

    People undergoing gallbladder removal should avoid fatty, greasy, fried food, spicy food, carbonated beverages, and alcoholic drinks.;

    It is best if you avoid alcohol intake after gallbladder surgery as it might lead to complications that may be severe and life-threatening